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Investment Management

HOME Account

Home Account Network Inc. (HANI)

The HOME Account system is the only patent-protected (U. S. Patent No.4,953,085 and other patents pending) relationship management productdesigned to link all of a financial institution's customer relationships,such as banking, brokerage, mortgage, mutual funds and insurance, intoone integrated and flexible account relationship with integratedfinancial analysis and planning. The HOME Account system providesconsumers with a compelling economic reason for consoli- dating all oftheir financial relationships. Financial institutions are able to offertheir customers a comprehensive view of all their financial holdings,while helping them improve their returns and reduce their borrowingcosts.

Language: C, C++, Java, HTML
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 2.4,2.5

Home Account Network Inc. (HANI)
40 Gadsden St
Charleston, SC 29401
Phone: (803) 853-3300
Fax: (803) 853-3310